Tag Archives: Rock

Of the rock, I asked for the moon.

This video is via my favorite blog, climbingnarc.com (which is unfortunately no longer running). I admit it’s quite a bit cheesy, but who doesn’t like cheese? It’s very French, so take it with a dash of salt.

It focuses on slab climbing, which I’ve always thought of with disdain and a little bit of fear. This type of climbing is on a rock face devoid of big holds, but it is just slanted enough to rely on friction. Climbing a difficult slab route requires intuition, perfect conditions and a lot of trust. The holds are literally not there, you’re almost inventing them out of “pure conviction” that a solution must be present, as Stephanie Bodet says in the video.
It seems to be the favorite of experienced, older climbers who no longer rely on strength, but have mastered the art of style, footwork and movement. It’s the yoga of climbing, focusing on concentration, awareness of the wall and your body above all else. That’s something I love about climbing, how it forces your mind into the here and now, with practicalities becoming paramount, living in the moment.